Yellow Hazardous Storage Cabinets
We have a range of COSHH & flame-resistant cabinets for your workplace. Our COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) cabinets are designed for the safe storage of hazardous substances. They are lockable which helps prevent unauthorised persons from accessing the dangerous chemicals stored within it. Our flame-resistant cabinets will help keep flammable liquids safe and out of harms reach. Come and check out our range of hazardous storage today.
Our COSHH Buying Guide has a wealth of information to help you decide which COSHH equipment to buy, with guidance on the various hazard groups, types of cabinets and what to look for when deciding what you need.

High Security, Welded Construction,Lockable ArmorGard Chembank - Site Box – Site Chest

Cost Effective Safe Vault Armorgard Transbank Chem – Transporting Chemicals & Fuels

Medium Duty Armorgard Safestor - Made For Indoor Chemical & Flammable Storage

The Liquid Tight Mobile Storage Cupboard Armorgard Safestor With Adjustable Feet

The Robust Construction Armorgard SafeStor™ Stand For Lifting Cabinets Off The Ground

Complete with flammable liquid warning labels, manufactured in accordance with DSEAR standards

Complete with flammable liquid warning labels, manufactured in accordance with DSEAR standards

Avoid one of the leading causes of industrial fires with proper storage and handling of flammable substances

Avoid one of the leading causes of industrial fires with proper storage and handling of flammable substances

Ideal for safely storing a smaller quantity of flammable liquids when space is limited

Secure, convenient and compact storage of flammable substances

Ideal for the safe storage of solvents and flammable liquids on countertops. Portable

Justrite safety cabinet for secure and compliant chemical storage undercounter

Safe storage of small quantities of flammable and hazardous substances

Expand storage and add new convenience to existing cabinets, or customize your new cabinet